Addressing Challenges Through Your Child Support Lawyer In Jacksonville, FL

by | Nov 2, 2017 | Lawyers

A divorce can be a very difficult time for anyone. It can create feelings of frustration, anger and hurt that is often directed at the ex-spouse as well as sometimes at the children as well. Unfortunately, in the years after the divorce, some people continue this negative behavior and use the children as pawns in getting back at the other parent.

In Jacksonville, FL, as well as across the state, one common way for a parent to take out their ongoing anger on their spouse is to avoid paying child support. There are several different ways that this can be done, but it creates a very real hardship for the parent that is raising the children and relies on that money to ensure the children have what they need.

When a parent stops paying child support or is willfully manipulating the system, hiring a child support lawyer will provide the necessary legal expertise to address the issue and have it corrected through the courts.

Intentionally Under or Unemployed

In some cases, a parent may try to avoid paying child support by remaining intentionally unemployed or underemployed to limit the amount he or she is required to pay.

If this happens, a child support lawyer can provide proof to the court of this intentional behavior to address the issue. The court can then use the employment income level as if the individual were working full-time to set the child support payments.

Changes in Income

It is also not uncommon for a child support lawyer to be involved in a Jacksonville, FL, case where a parent has a drop in income or a substantial increase in income. This can impact the child support payments if the decrease in income is for the parent receiving child support or if the increase in income is to the parent paying child support.

Additionally, there may be a situation where there is an increased expense in caring for the child. This may occur due to an injury or illness or other factors that are not a direct result of one parent’s unilateral decision.

The Must List

