Listening to What a Personal Injury Attorney in Ann Arbor, MI Has to Say

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Law Firm

Dealing with the aftermath of some type of accident is bad enough, so why complicate things by taking actions that are not in the best interests of the injured party? While it’s great that the individual chose to seek the services of a personal injury attorney in Ann Arbor, MI there’s more that needs to be done. Specifically, the client needs to take the attorney’s advice to heart. Here are some of the reasons following that advice to the letter is the smart thing to do.

The Attorney’s Experience

While there may be some aspects of the case that are a little out of the box, there’s a good chance the personal injury attorney in Ann Arbor, MI has dealt with a similar set of circumstances. Even if that’s not the case, the attorney knows how to research similar cases and their outcomes. That means the attorney is in a much better position to determine how the case needs to proceed. Relying on what the attorney is saying can help the client avoid a number of pitfalls and keep the progress of the case on track.

Avoiding Unnecessary Complications

When the attorney advises the client to say nothing about the pending case, there are plenty of reasons for that action. It’s too easy for a casual remark to be taken out of context and end up as something the opposing party will try to use against you. Even though it’s tempting to talk about the case with someone, keep the discussion limited to how the physical therapy is going and how the individual is responding to any medication that is taken during the recovery period. The legal aspects of the situation should only be discussed with the attorney.

The attorney is also likely to recommend that the client refrains from actions that seem to indicate the individual is in better physical condition than claimed. Everyone has days when they feel better, but overexertion leads to setbacks. The other party could also find out about the exertion and use it to demonstrate the injuries are not as dire as claimed.

If an injury recently occurred due to the negligence or actions of another party, contact Hermanowski Law and arrange to speak with an attorney today. Doing so could mean securing the financial resources needed to keep the bills paid during the recovery period.

The Must List

