Reviewing The Estate Planning Service In Reno, NV

by | Aug 12, 2016 | Lawyers

In Nevada, estate owners need to start planning for the future. If they have children, they must create provisions for how they are supported and raised. They must acquire life insurance policies to cover their expenses when they die as well. An attorney helps them through Estate Planning Service in Reno NV today.

Starting an Irrevocable Trust

An irrevocable trust allows the estate owner to transfer assets and properties out of the estate. The trust operates as its own entity and is owned completely by the estate owner. However, when the estate owner dies, the successor they appoint gains full control over the trust and the assets. This is help for in eliminating inheritance taxes and prevents seizure of these assets.

Start Trust Funds for Kids

A trust fund provides support for children. It allows parents to set aside money to ensure that their children maintain the same lifestyle. The funds are provided through a guardian appointed by the parents who manages the expenses of their children. The funds are also set up to provide children a lump sum at a specific age to help them manage expenses such as college. Most trust funds provide the full benefit at age twenty-five.

Create a Medical Plan

A medical plan helps the estate owner make decisions about their health care now. They determine what doctor provides their care. They also create a living will that determines if they want extraordinary measures in the future.

Generate a Will

A will gives the estate owner the right to choose who receives their properties and assets. They assign ownership through the will. They also designate their wishes for their funeral and last wishes. The will is ironclad in most cases and prevents disputes among family members.

In Nevada, estate owners manage their future requirements through careful planning. These strategies help them to prevent seizure of their assets by creditors during probate. They also prevent serious financial hardships for their family members after they die. Owners who wish to participate in an Estate Planning Service in Reno NV should contact The Law Office of Todd L. Torvinen for more information today.

The Must List

