What You Should Know About Filing SSDI Claims in Winston-Salem, NC

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Social Security Disability Attorney

Social Security Disability Insurance is a government-based disability program available to disabled workers. Workers must provide information about their disability and prove they can no longer remain employed. Speaking to a Social Security disability lawyer in Winston-Salem, NC, helps claimants appeal a SSDI denial.

Medical Records for SSDI

You need medical records from the doctor treating you for your disability. If you receive treatment from multiple doctors, you must sign a release form for each doctor. The caseworker must receive all records to make a decision about your claim. If you are denied, contact a Social Security disability lawyer in Winston-Salem, NC, and start an appeal.

An Inability to Work

You cannot get SSDI because you can no longer work in your preferred industry. If you can work in a different sector, you won’t qualify. The disability must prevent you from working in all industries and cause multiple work absences. Your disability claim must prove that your disability stops you from financially supporting yourself.

Do You Get Backpay?

If you win your appeal, you could receive backpay from the date you started your SSDI claim. The amount varies since SSDI benefits are based on how much you’ve paid into Social Security throughout your work history. Speaking to a disability attorney can help you get a projection on backpay and benefit amounts.

Social Security Disability Insurance offers monthly benefits for workers who become disabled. These claimants must prove that they can’t work and support themselves. If you’ve been denied SSDI, contact Business Name for more information.

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