A Full Assessment Of A PI Injury Case

by | Jun 6, 2017 | Lawyers

In Louisiana, the choices made by residents can lead to criminal charges if they violate any laws. These laws apply to the consumption of alcohol and criminal offenses that could apply. While most of these laws apply to driving or operating, public intoxication is still a crime and is punishable by the court. The following is a full assessment of a PI Injury Case.

A Review of Public Intoxication Penalties

The penalties for public intoxication include fines, potential jail sentences, and community services. In some instances, the individual may receive probation. However, if additional crimes were committed, the state can apply further charges and increase the penalties. This presents the defendant with additional penalties based on the crimes that were identified in their case.

Events that Lead to PI Injuries

Altercations that may occur in public places can lead to serious injuries. In legal terms, the exact charge that applies to these events is assault and battery. While the responsible party faces criminal charges, this doesn’t guarantee that the victim receives compensation for their financial losses. While criminal proceedings can lead to the assignment of restitution, it doesn’t ensure that the value assigned will address all losses.

How are These Injuries Managed by the Court

The outcome of the criminal case can aid in civil pursuits. If the defendant is convicted of assault and battery, the victim has sufficient evidence to prove the defendant’s liability for their injuries. These cases can provide the victim with funds to cover their medical expenses and regain any lost wages.

What Happens When the Victim Dies?

Once a victim dies, the charges are increased to murder or manslaughter. The criminal case will reflect an increase in these charges. In addition to this case, the family of the victim can file a lawsuit for wrongful death. This could increase the award to lifetime earnings if the victim left behind a spouse or children.

In Louisiana, offenses that are associated with public intoxication can lead to personal injury cases as well. Public intoxication is defined by the blood alcohol content reading of the defendant. However, in most cases, the individual must disturb the peace or become involved in a separate but connected crime to incur these charges. Individuals who need more information about a PI Injury Case can visit chrisrichardattorney.com for more information today.

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