A Workers Comp Attorney in Vermont Helps Dental Hygienists Who Have Developed Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

by | Nov 1, 2016 | Lawyers

Sometimes employers or their worker’s compensation insurers dispute claims if they question whether the injury is actually work-related. Repetitive-strain injuries sometimes come into question because insurance underwriters know those conditions can develop because of activities outside of work. Nevertheless, medical experts recognize that painful conditions often gradually occur because of work duties, and they also recognize certain professions in which this is common. A dental hygienist whose claim for carpal tunnel syndrome has been denied may need a Workers Comp Attorney in Vermont for assistance in appealing.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is an inflammation and unusual pressure inside the wrist resulting from a pinched nerve. This causes swelling, pain, weakness and numbness in the wrist and hand. The symptoms make it difficult to grasp objects or otherwise use the hand for fine motor skills. The disorder is associated with jobs that require the same type of arm and hand movements over and over throughout the day, and it’s also connected with various leisure activities. Perhaps the dental hygienist engaged in activities like tennis, golf, bowling, crocheting or other pursuits that are sometimes associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. This should not bar the employee from receiving workers comp benefits. The time spent on the job is likely substantially greater than that spent indulging in hobbies, and the gradual injury would probably have never occurred simply from doing leisure activity.

A Workers Comp Attorney in Vermont may use some of the extensive medical research available to support the client’s claim. Statistics can be acquired regarding the percentage of dental hygienists who eventually develop carpal tunnel syndrome. A lawyer from a firm such as McVeigh Skiff LLP will need documentation from the client’s doctor verifying the diagnosis and discussing current and potential treatments. This attorney also will represent the client through processes such as having a medical appointment for a second opinion, which sometimes is requested by the insurer. The employee may want to return to work after treatment, which could include surgery. Some individuals, however, need to receive a settlement for a certain level of permanent disability if they cannot continue their dental hygiene tasks.

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