Aurora Child Custody Lawyer – for the Safe Custody Of Your Child

by | Feb 29, 2016 | Lawyers

Divorce is a stressful, sad and confusing experience for anyone, especially a child. It is the responsibility of parents to make the process less painful for the child. They need to show more care and should be attuned to meeting the needs of the child. Custody of children is going to be one of the major issues that a parent will be facing during this period, so it would be better to get in touch with an expert Aurora child custody lawyer, like the caring attorneys at Fay, Farrow & Associates without wasting any time.

What is Child Custody Law?

Child custody law varies from state to state in the US. Child custody law refers to the legal responsibility a parent or guardian has to care for, educate and raise a minor. Child custody is classified into two, legal and physical. Legal custody is all about rights and responsibility of a parent as opposed to where the child resides. It provides the parent the right to make major decisions in the child’s life. Physical custody deals with where the child lives and with whom. Day to day responsibilities of caring for the child is decided here. In case of joint legal custody, both the parents should discuss and make decisions together. If it is a joint physical custody, the child will be spending some time with each parent. The final decision of the judge depends upon many factors including your income, financial stability, employment and past records.

When Do You Need the Assistance of a Child Custody Lawyer?

Fighting child custody alone will be a traumatizing experience and you may not want to experiment at this juncture as it is related to the safety and wellbeing of your child. You need to get in touch with our expert Aurora child custody lawyer to make sure that your rights as a parent are adequately represented in court. Our attorneys at Fay, Farrow & Associates are well experienced in handling child custody cases and have high success rate in helping our clients achieve their goals.

Role of Aurora Child Custody Lawyer

An Aurora child custody lawyer plays an important role in helping a parent to protect his/her children and provide them with love and utmost care. Children are the most essential part of our life and we should put all our effort to make sure of their safety. Decisions to award the right to look after the child to a parent is one of the most difficult decisions to make and that’s where our expert team of lawyers will come into the picture. A well experienced and skilled attorney can help you make the best decisions during child custody negotiations they can represent you in court and present your case to the judge.

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