The birth of a baby is one of the most exciting experiences a parent can go through. After nine months of waiting, it is miraculous to finally hold that precious bundle of joy in your arms. Unfortunately, things can go wrong during the birthing process. Often, there is medical negligence to blame when issues arise during the birth of a baby and cause trauma. Whether the trauma is to the mother or the baby, it is crucial the medical staff causing the injuries are held responsible. Through a Birth Trauma Lawyer in Norwich CT, a person can make sure their rights are fully protected and those who caused trauma pay for the damages.
There are many issues that can occur during a birth that cause trauma to a baby and mother. In some cases, an obstetrician will mistakenly believe a woman is able to naturally deliver a baby when she would have been safer having a cesarean. Issues with removing the baby from the womb can happen as a result of a C-section and during vaginal births. The tools the delivering doctor uses can sometimes cause injuries that result in deformities and pain.
If a child or mother have been injured during the birthing process, the medical staff’s practices need to be examined to determine whether or not they were to blame. This falls under the category of medical negligence. Medical practitioners of all types are required to carry insurance in case they cause injury. Unfortunately, injured victims do not always receive fair settlements through the insurance company. Hiring a Birth Trauma Lawyer in Norwich CT, allows a person to have a legal advocate who is working on their side to get them the highest level of compensation allowed under the law.
When a person needs a lawyer, they should contact the law office of Stephen M. Reck. He works with all types of injury claims and can help parents who have babies that have suffered trauma during birth. Those who are in need of his services can also learn more when they Visit the website. Through his legal help, injured victims can receive the justice and compensation they deserve.