Helpful Law Information from a Criminal Law Attorney in Vernon, CT

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Lawyers

There may come a time in a person’s life when he or she needs a criminal lawyer. Getting stopped and arrested for a DUI or DWI or committing a misdemeanor or a felony are all reasons a criminal lawyer may be needed. Some people may think it is okay to try to represent themselves. However, as the old adage goes, “only a fool has himself for a lawyer.” Depending on what state the arrested person is in, those laws will determine what happens. There is a Criminal Law Attorney in Vernon CT who helps clients in need of criminal defense. These are some of the laws that apply to Connecticut.

The laws for crimes are pretty standard for the most part, but there are some areas in which some states differ. For example, Connecticut is one of the few states thus far that legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. That does not give license for users to abuse the drug and could lead to significant consequences if they are caught and arrested. Another thing that people need to be aware of is the laws on gun control. Since the Sandy Hook incident in 2012, Connecticut has enacted stricter laws.

Other criminal activities for which a person may want to hire a lawyer include, but are not limited to, domestic violence, computer crimes, credit card fraud, identity theft, embezzlement, and child pornography. There are also capital crimes that a person will want defense for. Although Connecticut doesn’t have the death penalty, punishment still can be severe. The defendant in any criminal activity wants to be sure he or she has the best defense possible to get the best outcome.

Kahan Kerensky and Capossela LLP are attorneys who have been providing criminal defense representation for clients in the Vernon, Connecticut area for more than three decades. Other legal issues the attorneys represent include personal injury law, estate and probate law, corporate law, elder law, real estate, family, and divorce law, and zoning issues. If a defendant needs to talk to a Criminal Law Attorney in Vernon CT, he or she can visit the website at

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