After a hearing in court to obtain Social Security benefits and being denied, you might decide to seek legal representation. There are some steps that an attorney can take that can increase the chance of getting the payments that you deserve. Before your meeting, there are some ways that you can prepare so that you have everything in place.
What to Take
There are a few documents that you want to get together before meeting with an SSI attorney in Stockton, CA. These include your medical records, income statements, documents of bills that you might have to pay, and personal information like your social security card. This can make it easier for your attorney to make a copy of the details instead of sending requests to doctors or employers to get them, which could take a few weeks.
To get the most out of your visit with an SSI attorney in Stockton, CA, you should be prepared to ask a few questions. Find out if the attorney will require a payment before or after you win your case. You should also find out how often the attorney has worked with SSI cases and the success rate. You’ll likely be asked about your education and your work history along with how many times you’ve tried to claim SSI benefits and the reasoning behind the denial. If you have any medical issues that could be diagnosed in the future or any surgeries that are scheduled, you want to include those details as well so that the court knows that you might not be able to work.
Contact Peña & Bromberg for more information.