Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

by | Apr 1, 2019 | Lawyers

It’s a tough and emotional time when you decide to place a loved one in a nursing home. You do it because you anticipate that the person will get better and more specialized care there than at home.

When you discover that the facility is not attending to the needs of the one you love, you’re probably upset and, perhaps, angry, especially if the neglect led to death. Nursing home abuse in Joliet and elsewhere is broadly defined as the failure to adequately address the medical, physical or emotional needs of a resident.

If the nursing home is deficient in any of these areas, you may qualify for compensation on behalf of your loved one. After all, you may speak for a resident who is incapable of self-representation.

Some signs of nursing home abuse in Joliet include bedsores and poor personal hygiene, both preventable if the staff is attentive and not overworked. Since some residents can’t swallow or chew well, choking can also be the result of the worker or even administrative deficiencies.

Other indications of nursing home abuse are falls, fractures, serious mistakes in the administration of medication and sepsis. Emotional abuse includes yelling, shouting or threating comments. It also encompasses ignoring the resident.

When you notice or suspect that something is wrong, consult a nursing home abuse attorney in Joliet who will evaluate your situation to determine if you have a case for compensation. At Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell, PC, one of our areas of concentration is nursing home abuse. Our law firm has extensive experience in handling these cases. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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