The Importance of Hiring a Wills And Trusts Lawyer in Moline IL

by | May 15, 2020 | Lawyers

While no one wants to think about their passing, it is something everyone will face at some point in their lives. This is why it is important you are fully prepared, by having a will in place. A will can make sure all of your wishes are carried out when you die, so you can rest assured your funeral and the dispersal of your estate are carried out to the exact detail. Most people find drawing up a will to be somewhat intimidating. This is especially true if you have a large estate or are unsure of the inheritance laws in your state. Through a Wills
And Trusts Lawyer in Moline IL
, you can have the legal help you need, so your will is drawn up legally and will hold up in any court.

Tips For Drawing Up a Will

Before you begin drawing up your will, it can be helpful to sit down with your family. Though no one wants to discuss death, you need to sit down with your family and discuss your wishes as well as what parts of your estate you want for each family member. It is better for this information to be discussed before your death, than to be argued on after.

Once you have decided on the basics of your will, you will need to meet with your Wills And Trusts Lawyer in Moline IL. The lawyer is not there to make the tough decisions for you, but rather, to give you legal insight into the repercussions of the decisions you make in your will.

You will need to decide on a power of attorney. This person will be in charge of your estate and will make final decisions on your behalf, should you become incapacitated. You will also need to make sure you provide information on your funeral and final wishes. The more detail you provide, the more likely your wishes will be fully carried out.

You will also need to decide on custody for any minor children and on who will inherit your estate. You can split up your estate and name who gets each item or you can leave all of your estate to one person. Your lawyer can give you valuable advice on making these decisions.

If you are ready to draw up your will, make sure you get the legal help you need. Contact David J Franks Attorney-at-Law and schedule your appointment today.

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