Whenever you receive your monthly paycheck, a number of taxes are normally subtracted from that check. A share of these taxes is channeled to pay for social security benefits in Bellingham, WA. One of the key benefits provided by the Social Security Administration is disability insurance that covers employees who sustain a permanent disability. However, what happens when a disability claim is denied? The solution is to appeal the denial by contacting Allen Law Firm for legal representation. This article explains how legal representation by a social security lawyer at the hearing level can help a claimant win their disability claim.
Medical Records
Incomplete medical records or gaps in the treatment history are sufficient grounds to have a disability claim denied. Thus, a disability lawyer can help the claimant gather the appropriate medical records and hand them over to the appropriate agency. This may involve contacting medical facilities and physicians to get your medical records.
Obtaining Physician’s Opinion
The attorney can also get in touch with the doctors to get their written submissions regarding the claimant’s capacity to work. Typically, doctors respond faster to a lawyer’s request when compared to a patient’s. Moreover, in case the claimant’s medical history is inadequate to support the disability claim, the attorney can ask the Social Security Administration to schedule a physical or psychological exam.
Preparing the Claimant for Questioning
There’s often a chance the claimant will be apprehensive before the hearing, which makes them likely to make a mistake. Attorneys are quite conversant with the hearing procedures and can prepare the claimant to answer expected questions. This helps to dispel any worries on the part of the claimant.
Cross-examining the Vocational Expert
Often, the Social Security Administration hires a vocational expert to testify at the hearing about his or her judgment of the ability of the claimant to work based on the injuries sustained. The claimant’s lawyer is often given the opportunity to cross-examine the vocational expert and, at this point, the experience and knowledge of the lawyer come in handy. The lawyer will formulate hypotheticals that leave the vocational expert with no option but to state the claimant lacks the capacity to handle any tasks. In the end, the claimant is awarded their social security benefits in Bellingham, WA. Click here for more details.