Things to Keep in Mind When Hiring a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Loveland

by | Oct 18, 2017 | toplevellegal

It’s not something that’s easy to think about, but it’s out of our control when a loved one dies in an accident. Many situations present themselves when a person passes away because of someone else’s negligence, and families don’t always know how to proceed. Below are several things to consider before hiring a wrongful death lawyer in Loveland.

A Loved One’s Suffering May Mean More Compensation

If the person suffered needlessly before their death, the estate may be able to receive additional compensation. The most important thing to do is to document the pain and injury the person experienced before passing away. Pictures, videos, and other evidence can prove the extent of the suffering endured and it can help an attorney accurately value the claim.

Opening a Probate Case

After someone dies wrongfully, the family must open a probate estate. Under state law, a probate court judge must choose an estate representative to handle the person’s affairs. If there’s a will in place, a representative has likely already been chosen. It is best to call an attorney to determine whether the person’s estate will allow a wrongful death claim.

Seeking Legal Counsel

It is important for an estate representative to get advice from a wrongful death lawyer in Loveland before proceeding with a claim. Depending on the circumstances of the family member’s death, a lawyer can advise the representative on what to do to protect the estate’s interests. With a lawyer’s help, the family can learn all its options for pursuing compensation.

Following Wrongful Death Laws

The state has wrongful death laws that define who can file a claim based on personal losses. Spouses, parents, siblings, grandparents, and children may all be able to file claims for individual losses related to a family member’s wrongful death. When the person was the family’s source of financial support, the estate can pursue compensation in civil court. If another person’s negligence caused a loved one’s death, a monetary award can offer economic relief.

While no amount of legal action can bring a loved one back, filing a wrongful death claim can help a family get the compensation they need to live a normal life. Visit Law Offices of Burton & Burton for more details or to set up a consultation.

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