Trucking Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ Can Help to Get the Settlement You Deserve

by | Jan 8, 2016 | Lawyers

After a traumatic experience like a trucking accident, an individual will usually suffer from serious injuries, as the weight and size of the truck is no match for someone in a regular automobile. Injuries to the driver and passengers can include permanent damage to various parts of their body as well brain damage. Dedicated and knowledgeable trucking accident lawyers in Phoenix, AZ should be contacted as soon as someone is able to. If a death occurred as a result of the accident or from injuries received from the accident the same lawyer can file a lawsuit on behalf of the estate for the wrongful death of the individual. This must be done by the executor, spouse or children of the deceased party.

Serious but compassionate trucking accident lawyers in Phoenix, AZ can negotiate with the insurance company for the injured person. If the negotiations are not moving in the direction the attorney feels will compensate the injured party, they will take the case to court and fight for their legal rights. Injuries such as amputations and loss of limbs, brain injuries, and back and spinal cord injuries will result in care that could last a lifetime. Careful evaluation and investigation is necessary in a trucking accident. Truck drivers must follow Federal laws for their CDL license including how many hours per day they’re permitted to drive or to be on duty. An experienced attorney will review the truck driver’s log and determine if they have worked more than they’re legally permitted to.

A lawyer will also investigate the maintenance record of the truck and trailer. If the truck or trailer were not properly maintained, the company that owns them may be held liable for the accident as well. The weight of the load will also be taken into consideration. Overweight trucks are very difficult to handle and the slightest bit of shift in a load could result in the trailer being out of control. If you’ve been injured due to a truck accident, please feel free to visit the site for more information on the next steps that need taken to receive the compensation you deserve.

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