Social Security has been an integral part of the American social safety net for many years. Social Security provides you with a steady source of money once you retire and it is there to support people that suffer from a physical or mental disability and can no longer earn a living. Rarely, if ever, would anyone need a lawyer when they are arranging their retirement benefits but this is not the case for those applying for disability benefits, in about three quarters of the cases a Social Security attorney in Michigan can make the difference between winning and losing your claim.
Claiming for disability benefits can be quite complex:
There are applicants of course that are obviously disabled; they are approved for benefits upon application. Other applicants are not so lucky, there claim will be rejected and then, if they are so inclined, will have to go through an appeals process. This is where hiring a Social Security attorney in Michigan is justified.
The appeals procedure:
The first stage is to ask for a reconsideration of the initial decision to deny benefits. Your claim will be reviewed by someone other than the person that made the initial decision. At this stage nothing has really changed and rarely is the decision to deny benefits overturned.
The next stage is a hearing in front of an administrative law judge. You have 60 days from receipt of the denial notice to request a hearing but the hearing itself may not be for many months due the backlog of cases. Having a Social Security attorney can help considerably; fortunately, your attorney works on contingency and is granted 25 percent of the back pay that you are awarded. Under these conditions it makes a great deal of sense to have an experienced attorney on your side, the approval rate is much higher than it would be if you went it alone.
If you have applied for Social Security disability only to have your application denied you should hire an experienced Social Security attorney in Michigan. You are invited to contact website for more information and a no cost assessment of your case.