After an Attack, Contact a Dog Bite Attorney in Kenosha, WI

by | May 20, 2020 | Lawyers

When a person is attacked by a dog, it can be very traumatic. Many people who have been bitten or attacked by a dog carry around a fear of dogs for a long time after. It is the responsibility of the dog’s owner to keep the dog tied up or contained in the yard. When the owner is walking their dog, it is their responsibility to keep the dog on a leash and hold onto it. If they don’t do these things and the dog attacks someone, they should be held responsible for the victim’s medical bills and their pain and suffering. When a person is attacked by a dog due to the owner’s negligence, there are a few things they should do right away.

Inform the Dog’s Owner

If the dog’s owner did not witness the attack, the victim should let them know right away. It is important that the victim gets information regarding the date of the dog’s last shots and its medical history. This information will be very useful when the victim goes to the doctor.

Seek Medical Attention

It is important that the victim seeks medical attention right away. The wound would need to be cleaned properly and evaluated to determine whether or not stitches would be necessary. Dog bites can be very dangerous because the dog could have rabies or other type of disease. It is important that the victim gets fully checked out by a doctor.

Contact an Attorney

When a person is bitten by a dog due to the owner’s negligence, they should not be responsible for the expenses and loss of income. After a dog bite, the victim will have medical bills. If the injuries were serious enough, the victim may need to miss time from work. There are also the pain and suffering, as well as possible psychological trauma that the victim goes through after. A dog bite attorney in Kenosha, WI can make sure that the victim gets the compensation that they deserve.

If a person is attacked by a dog that is running loose and not being properly supervised by its owner, they should contact a dog bite attorney in Kenosha, WI. Browse the site for more information.

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