An Auto Accident Attorney Can Be Invaluable for Injured Clients

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Lawyers

Personal injury lawyers sometimes get a bad rap just because some of them seek out clients, putting forth an effort to learn who has been injured in car accidents and other harmful incidents. For the person who has been seriously injured, however, an Auto Accident Attorney can be invaluable for helping them obtain the financial compensation they deserve. It can be very difficult for someone without a legal background to negotiate effectively with large insurance companies, especially when that person is recovering from a severe injury. This individual may need to take several weeks off of work without pay, and the stress of falling behind on bill payments and being responsible for deductible and co-pay amounts in the health insurance becomes overwhelming.

Not every state allows attorneys to contact potential clients without some type of referral. Texas does allow this, however, with important restrictions. For instance, an injury attorney is allowed to contact potential clients by mail. However, he or she is not allowed to contact anyone who is probably not able to make a reasonable decision about hiring a lawyer. That could be due to certain types of physical, emotional or mental conditions that impair the individual’s judgment. The ethical considerations are complex, and lawyers must be entirely familiar with the State Bar’s opinions on the matter.

Once an Auto Accident Attorney is hired, this legal professional takes charge over any communication with the at-fault driver’s insurer, allowing the injured person to concentrate on recovering and moving on with life. One of the most advantageous aspects of personal injury law is that its practitioners typically charge contingency fees instead of charging by the hour or month. That means the client does not owe any base fees to the attorney if the lawyer is not successful at acquiring a settlement or court award. Because of this, personal injury lawyers usually only accept cases they are certain they can win. A firm such as the Law Office of Carey Thompson provides complimentary initial consultations so injured persons can learn whether or not they have a good case.

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