Social Security publishes a number of specifics that apply to what they do and how they do it. One statistic that upsets many people that are about to claim disability benefits is the rate of denial of claims. Two-thirds of all those that apply for SSDI or SSI are denied in the first instance and are then faced with making a complex and time-consuming appeal.
The first level of appeal is simply asking for a reconsideration of the initial decision to deny benefits, this rarely results in a reversal. The greatest majority of claimants end up in a hearing in the presence of an Administrative Law Judge. When the appeal reaches this stage, Social Security disability attorneys in Missouri can help reverse the decision. Of course, no attorney, regardless of his or her specialty can guarantee a favorable outcome but what your attorney can do is guarantee that your case will be developed and presented properly.
Developing a winning case:
It would be rare for a person claiming disability benefits to how to prepare properly for the hearing; this is not the case with Social Security disability attorneys in Missouri. These seasoned attorneys are very familiar with the process; they know the rules, regulations, and laws and have a very good idea of what questions to expect the ALJ to ask.
Disability attorneys are paid based on a contingency arrangement; this simply means that they must win your case for them to collect their legal fee. Because of this arrangement, you can expect disability attorneys to do a great deal to ensure your claim is approved. Your attorneys will gather all medical documentation including test results and a detailed statement from your doctor attesting to your condition and the fact that you are unable to work.
Although it is possible to win a case without the assistance of an attorney, the chances of winning your claim are greatly enhanced when you have knowledge Social Security disability attorneys by your side.
If you are about to claim disability benefits the chances of approval are greater when you are represented by Social Security disability attorneys in Missouri. You are invited to contact the Grundy Disability Group. Follow us on google+.