Rails of Risk: Navigating Railroad Worker AML Perils in Chicago, IL

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

As a railroad worker in Chicago, IL, a typical day goes beyond the tracks; you also have to deal with the possibility of encountering health hazards. The biggest threat lurking over the railroad industry is acute myeloid leukemia (AML), with workers being more susceptible as a result of exposure to different toxic substances.

Occupational Hazards

There are a lot of substances you come across in your line of work, each posing a separate health hazard. Diesel exhaust, asbestos, benzene, creosote, silica, secondhand smoke, herbicides, lead dust, and welding fumes are some of the items that make up a cocktail associated with railroad worker AML and other cancers.

Diesel exhaust dangers

The continuous encounter with diesel exhaust, typical in railroad settings, implies a considerable threat. The inhaled delicate particulate matter and carcinogenic species from the combustion processes may invade deep into the respiratory system and thus increase the risk of getting AML.

Asbestos and benzene exposure

Your work area may include asbestos and benzene, which have been tagged as carcinogens. Chronic exposure increases the risk of AML, producing substances that interfere with normal cell processes and slowly causing blood cancer.

Advocating for change

With AML and other health issues, the railroad workers need to stand up for their rights. Make efforts to have regular health check-ups, get information regarding workplace hazards, and actively reduce the effects of hazardous exposures.

Secure your rights and seek justice through the services of Diesel Injury Law – Hughes Law Offices LLC. The staff stands ready to advocate for the benefits of the railroad workers who experienced health problems after diesel exhaust exposure.

The Must List

