In New York, construction companies become the defendant in a lawsuit if all safety regulations aren’t followed. Workers are more likely to sustain injuries if the work environment isn’t maintained. When workers are injured, the accidents are investigated thoroughly. A construction injury attorney in Westbury, NY helps workers seek damages for serious injuries.
Exposure to Toxic Chemicals
The exposure to toxic chemicals could lead to a fatality or the loss of organ function. Safety precautions must be followed to prevent exposure to the chemicals. However, construction projects that aren’t managed properly could injure workers as well as others who live in the construction area.
Falling Objects and Head Injuries
In high rise construction projects, falling objects could lead to head injuries. The foreman must use safety apparatuses to secure materials that are lifted. The safety equipment is necessary to prevent head injuries. Workers who sustain head injuries could undergo serious changes. A traumatic brain injury could cause a complete change in the worker’s personality. The most severe of the injuries could require long-term care for the worker in a nursing home or assisted living facility.
Electrocution and Electrical Burns
Workers that perform electrical tasks during construction projects could face electrocution or electrical burns in unsafe conditions. The foreman must follow all electrical safety regulations to stop an arc flash from occurring in the workplace. The events can cause burns that can kill a worker in a matter of seconds.
Falling Off Ladders and Scaffolding
Falls can cause broken bones quickly. Ladders and scaffolding must be stabilized at all times to prevent falls. Workers who perform tasks at high levels need safety harnesses to prevent them from falling. High rise projects could lead to death if the construction company doesn’t take necessary precautions.
In New York, construction companies must mitigate all risks in the work environment. Construction projects could present immeasurable risks based on the height of the property and the worker’s job. The owner is liable if safety regulations aren’t followed exactly. Workers who sustained serious injuries should contact a construction injury attorney in Westbury, NY through the Law Office of Steven R. Smith or browse website for more details now.