If someone accuses another person of having a dog who bit them, they may try taking legal action to obtain money for their pain and suffering. If the dog was not the culprit in this matter, the owner might wish to hire one of the Personal Injury Lawyers in Tumwater WA to prove they are being unjustly accused of the incident. There are several steps one can take to prove their dog did not bite someone else.
First, the person should find out if there were any witnesses in the area where the supposed incident occurred. Someone may have seen a person provoking another dog in the area, causing them to get bitten as a result. Finding out of there were any surveillance cameras in the area may also be beneficial in proving the dog did not cause the person any bodily harm.
It is a good idea for the dog’s owner to get written documentation from people who had contact with the dog in the past. This can specify that the dog was never a threat in any way, showing it did not have the type of demeanor to cause an injury like the one it is being accused of giving. This documentation can be provided by veterinarians, groomers, trainers, and others with authority.
Taking photographs of the area where the incident was supposed to have occurred may also be beneficial. If the dog was contained in a fenced-in area or on a leash, it might help prove that it was unable to get to the spot where the person had claimed to have received their injury. The owner should take photographs from all angles and provide them to their injury lawyer for assessment. They may be able to find a clue in the photos to help with the case.
When someone is in need of one of the Personal Injury Lawyers in Tumwater WA to help prove a personal injury claim has been falsified, they can contact a reputable attorney in their area. Schedule an appointment with an attorney to find out the processes involved in winning a false dog bite injury claim.