A Commercial Real Estate Lawyer in Santa Barbara, CA Can Help You Succeed as an Investor

by | Jul 5, 2017 | Law Firm

You cannot succeed in the commercial real estate field unless you rely on a lawyer. If you want to keep focused on investing and renting commercial property then, you need to secure the services of a legal representative. Otherwise, you will set yourself up for failure and a good number of headaches.

Speak to a Legal Advisor First

So, if you are investing in commercial real estate, make sure you contact a commercial real estate lawyer in Santa Barbara, CA to ensure that you are doing everything correctly. By taking this step, you can have your property purchases addressed in the correct legal and financial manner. Without this type of help, you will find it hard to invest or to continue to do so.

Stay Updated

Therefore, it is imperative to retain the services of a commercial real estate lawyer before you buy or rent a commercial building. When you rely on a lawyer, he or she can also keep you updated on certain mandates concerning this type of law.

For example, if you have a query about a tenant who wants to sublet or rent their space, you can obtain an easy answer from a commercial real estate lawyer. In California, a tenant must obtain approval from a landlord before he can rent or sublet a space from another person. So, you need to make sure that the tenants using your building understand this prerequisite.

Rent Control Rules and Regulations

A Santa Barbara commercial real estate attorney can also give you advice on subjects such as rent control. In California, rent control is prohibited by law with respect to commercial properties, so you cannot cap the rents for tenants who rent your commercial space.

As you can see, there are a lot of questions that may come up from time to time concerning commercial properties. Make sure you are fully prepared to answer any of these types of inquiries. Contact a lawyer today to discuss your commercial real estate legal needs.

The Must List

