Why to Contact an Auto Accident Attorney in Tumwater, WA Immediately After an Accident

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Auto Accident Attorney

After an auto accident, there are days of chaos and worry for most of the victims. They have to visit many doctors, and sometimes they even get stuck recuperating in a hospital bed. There are phone calls to be made to garages and auto body shops, the insurance company is contacted, and employers are informed about the incident. The accident victims, or their families, are often busy trying to arrange transportation and contacting the police for a copy of their accident record.

During all of this rushing around, it is common for people to forget to contact an auto accident attorney in Tumwater, WA. They may think they do not need one or that their case is not severe enough for an attorney to provide any help to them. This may be true, but the majority of people would benefit from their assistance. A positive result is more likely in cases where the attorney becomes involved as soon as possible after an accident has occurred. They can gather more accurate information and locate witnesses easier.

Injuries from auto accidents sometimes take days to appear. Back injuries or whiplash can intensify over time. Someone may feel fine when walking away from an accident scene, but later develop symptoms that leave them incapacitated for a long period of time. Injuries may not heal as fast as they should, and medical bills are often much higher than people expect. The initial repair estimates for vehicles are sometimes too conservative and increase when the full extent of the damage is discovered. Insurance companies that seemed helpful and ready to do the right thing sometimes become less cooperative when the bills arrive.

For all of these reasons an auto accident attorney in Tumwater, WA is a great resource for any accident victim to have. Anyone can get a free consultation and decide for themselves what step they want to take next. There is no cost or obligation to agree to anything, but the attorney will be ready if it becomes necessary to file a lawsuit. Having an attorney available is an additional form of protection that helps to make certain that accident victims are not left struggling because of careless drivers or uncooperative insurance companies.

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